Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Yet another time waster.

I only post when I have something trivial or pictoral to present. In that vein . . .

The Blog Readability Test yielded the following results when applied to my blog:

cash advance

I am lame.


Anonymous said...

You want lame? Check out my sidebar ... that's humbling.

The Prufroquette said...

Fear not. If you check your reading level on different days, it changes. I put in your URL and it said "Genius" just a moment ago. While apparently a third grader could read mine.

I suspect it's some kind of webscanning tool to send us stupid ads...but maybe that's just my paranoia speaking.

Yax said...

It says mine is Junior High School. :(

RJ said...

well, you kicked my butt.

Justin said...

I find your blog shallow and pedantic.