Wednesday, September 14, 2005


While K and I watched the season premiere of House last night (there is a LONG overdue post on Hugh Laurie and his Rampant Awesomeness - RAINCHECK), we caught a spot for Arrested Development. Like raving groupies, we held our breath while it played and then jumped and screamed for five minutes straight.

Okay, only I jumped around the living room. But let's be fair, Hubster flopped around the sofa, so he's just as much of a dork.

Remember: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH, 8/7c.

T-Bone: Welcome to Bluth Bananas, where bananas are our business. May I interest you in a banana this day?
Michael: T-Bone, what are you doing here?
T-Bone: Oh, your dad gave me this job.
Narrator: Michael realized that his father had even taken control of the banana stand. But he still had some unanswered questions, so he did a little detective work.
Michael: You burn down the storage unit?
T-Bone: Oh, most definitely.


lvs said...

!!!! I, too, cannot wait for the most magnificent show on TV.
And Dan and I were watching House last night but tuned in too late to remember if it was the season premiere. It didn't feel like it. But now I know.

JMC said...

Just remember, E, there's always money in the banana stand...

Mair said...

Thanks to your post, we've just started watching season 1 of arrested development all over again! We'll return it to you when you come!