Saturday, October 01, 2005

"Virginia is for Friends" sounds lame.

Sorry for the lack of posting yesterday. I was so busy thinking about my new template that I spent all my blogging time working on that. It's not up yet (NO!) but it will be once I can figure out a couple of the problems it seems to be having with Blogger. Let's just say they're not playing nice, so someone's getting a trip to the proverbial woodshed. If by "woodshed" I mean "Wordpad," and I'll be thinking of the parental addage when it hurts me a lot more than it will hurt the template.

Anyhow, Hubster and I are on a jaunt to visit friends in Charlottesville, VA. M-lo and J.M. started the day with a full breakfast of bacon, eggs, cinnamon rolls, orange juice, and coffee. We're setting off now for a little wandering of the pedestrian shopping quarter, conversation, and WAY MORE FOOD. BEST WEEKEND EVER!

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