Friday, July 29, 2005

Sing the Praises of Paid Vacation

One thing I'll say for being a full-time employed adult - paid vacation is STINKING AWESOME!

Well, I'm currently blogging from the In-laws' house, and in just a few minutes, we'll be off to the races. Or at least Massachusetts. Then, after this weekend's wedding extravaganza, Cape Cod, baby, YEAH! I wonder how C & P are doing as they stare down a wedding that's 26hrs away? Good luck, you love birds!

Blogging will be possible while I'm gone, but it'll be sporadic. Stay tuned. Or as K would say "Watch this space." Hoity McToity-Pants.


Anonymous said...

so, i stumbled upon this, and i am super glad! i miss you like you would not believe...and apparently i was using an old email address, which would explain why you haven't replied. but now we are in touch once again! oh yay.

E.A.P said...

Darling! So good to see you found me. Thanks for your email. I will respond soon. Much love to the HOTTEST Spanish student EVER!