Monday, August 08, 2005

befreckled and back in business!

Sorry that I didn't write as soon as I got back, but then again, I'M NOT SORRY. We made the haul (12+ hrs) back from the Cape on Saturday and veged out while consuming large amounts of Chipotle that evening. Yesterday I sang in our church choir for the first time, attempted some unpacking, and once again spent lots of time resembling a vegetable. Today? Well, I'm STILL tired, but I'm working. I'll write you a recap (with pictures and everything!) later. I would have kept y'all posted throughout if our rental house hadn't had WRETCHED service for cellphones and satellite internet. Single tear.

1 comment:

Mair said...

Hey Babe,
Glad you're back. Thanks for the nice comment you left me. Hope to talk soon!