Tuesday, May 16, 2006

This one's not about Dallas either.

So, um, can't do it. Can't make myself type that much. Can't find my camara amidst the rubble of un/repacking and download and tweak and upload. Can't.

It might be because although Loki is curled up on my lap and purring like a jet engine, she still stole my yummy chicken off my plate at dinner. I had to throw out like half the chicken breast. Yeah, it sat in this delicious marinade for 24hrs before I grilled it to perfection and made well-nigh perfect saffron rice to go with it. Anymore, if Hubster isn't home, I usually just eat cheese and crackers and maybe a few olives if I want to treat myself. I FREAKIN' COOKED, AND I FED YOU DINNER ON TIME, AND THAT'S MY FOOD NOT YOUR FOOD!

I actually shouted that out loud. "My food not your food!" Also, I might have dumped a glass of water on her as she tried to make off with a hunk of chicken in her mouth.

Oh, but we're so not even because I think she just farted on my lap and jumped down to wander off, leaving me in a cesspool of cat fart. Let me tell you, NOT PLEASANT.



Mair said...

Hilarious! Sorry, but I could see the whole thing playing out in my mind. I bet the chicken breast looked way too big in her tiny mouth. hehehe. That little brat.

Hope today is a better day.

E.A.P said...

I've said before that my cats are my children, but it's really true in this instance. I was furious at her for taking my well-earned dinner, but I had to stifle my laughter as she dragged it from one to the other in her ridiculously small little mouth. It was a good thing she couldn't tell she was amusing.

Oh, and my word verification contains the unscrambled word "roar." It seems appropriate somehow.