Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Kill me now.

And no, tomorrow will not be a better day.


Mair said...

I feel your pain, sista! Fall can not come soon enough...

Anonymous said...

Huh. All of the disgustingly slender people around me are loving the heat. Me? I've taken to hiding out in the one cool interior office at work, taking over the workstation of our vacationing tech support guy in a bloodless coup. (I've always wanted to use that phrase.) Wonder how HIS vacation is going...

I'm with you on the heat. Stick me with a fork, I'm done!

GMack said...

Without AC at our apartment it actually goes DAY: 100 (feels like Broil on the oven) NIGHT: 98.6 (feels like a tropical flower greenhouse)

Plankiest said...

Today it is all gray and rumbly around here. Yay! Yay! A break from suffocation!

lvs said...

Thanks for your comment. I knew that you, if anyone, would understand what I feel, and it helps to know I'm not alone in feeling just the tiniest bit of resentment. But at the same time, I know it'll be worth it. I just hope it doesn't go by too quickly.