Before this post turns into a pumpkin at midnight, I thought I'd link a little.
1. I've done a site-design or two for fellow bloggers, but if you want instant gratification, this set of free templates is pretty snappy. Some of them are quite nice-looking and not yet popular enough to be recognizable. Semi-uniqueness - weeeee!
2. This rather acerbic article on Slate is about how everyone should stop trying to be funny. It's an interesting set of observations on a national obsession. I'm not sure I agree with all their conclusions, but I found it worth the read. Let me know what you think in the comments, if you bother to hunker down and click.
3. Total switcheroo - this article is tough stuff. NYTimes reporting on a Canadian man who was pulled from a return vacation trip and then sent to Syria, imprisoned for 10 months, and then tortured with the full-knowledge of the US of A. Scary stuff.
4. Switcheroo Number Two: McSweeney's strikes again! "The Recording Industry Will Destroy You." Enjoy!
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1 comment:
Hey, E.A.P.,
Is it very complicated to learn how to make one of these blog templates? Are there instructions anywhere that tell you how to do it? Most of what I find are just things like how to change fonts and colors, etc.
muchas gracias
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