Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I've got cats in high places.

Of late, our feline deities have taken to asserting their dominance over vertical space more aggressively. Sure, Little was always one for a little climbing session, but she stopped wandering in the joists so regularly and doesn't even bother to climb the bookshelves. Tiny has torn a page from Little's book in the past by figuring out how to climb things but now also how to jump up on the tall window in the basement. Little is SUCH a bad influence.

Come get your share of the dubious loot, Barbarian Hoards!

Later in the day yesterday, Little climbed the fridge where she perched until I shooed her off of it. You know, once I gathered the damning photographic evidence.

Come get your share of the moral guilt tripping, Teetotalers!

They are amusing though, which is what we feed them for. They earned their kibble last night by amusing the visiting in-laws, especially Mumsie who loved touring the house and stooping in each room we entered to pet the pursuing furballs. Awww.


Mair said...

I think cats like the stop of the fridge because it's warm...

...or because there's all that liquor up there. ;o)

Justin said...

We burned one of those desk things as we were leaving college out in the yard- it was most excellent, until this crackhead showed up and started hassling us for beer.

GMack said...

I think I saw some Bombay Sapphire in that alcohol content. Was I mistaken?

E.A.P said...

mair - It's the liquor.

jackscolon - I envy you. I bet our neighborhood association would get all up in our grill if I tried, though. rrrrr.

gmack - You are correct! It's my favorite type of gin. #2 is Tanqueray. Got any favs?

CharlesPeirce said...

These pictures with captions are, as always, freaking hilarious. Your wit is rivaled only by the brightness of your cupboards.

Justin said...

You need some Grey Goose, but don't worry, I'm bringing some up if you're swinging over... although Charles is probably taking us all to Lenin's for apple martini's.