Friday, August 19, 2005

Random Friday

Essence of my memory, distilled on the lens

I found this picture and thought I'd share it. Plus I talked to my bro (Hi, J!!) last night who said he especially focused on the pictures because his sister is long-winded and boring. He said it nicely, but IF I CAN'T RECOGNIZE THAT HINT AT THIS STAGE, MY FORMER ENGLISH TEACHERS WILL GIVE UP IN DESPAIR. Today there's something for everyone: a picture and some verbage. Not that any of you want to slog through it, either, BUT I AMUSE MYSELF HERE AS MUCH AS YOU. Okay, more so.

I've been trying to tie up some loose ends on projects for work and so far the loose ends have begun wrapping themselves around my leg and dragging me into the Bog of Eternal Adjustments. I thought I'd focus on the positive and show y'all an image I like, even if the ones I'm generating for work are driving me nuts. I think this really captures my memories of July 4th downtown, which is when this was taken. Click on the image because it's much better in a larger format. Night scenes are so soothing.

Speaking of soothing - WEEKEND! If I were really into making my brother happy, I would include an audio clip of Lindsay Bluth's immortal delivery of the simple exclamation "Woooo!" Indeed, Ms. Bluth, indeed.

1 comment:

Mair said...

Nice photo, E. I like it. I'm sharing your "woooo!" for the weekend, especially since it is my last official summer weekend. Hope to talk again soon. I really enjoyed our last chat.