Tuesday, April 19, 2005

This ain't no sugar buzz, sister!

My very own berry tree muse.

I cleaned the window in my office yesterday. Well, part of it, anyway. We have wide windows in our apartment, and they start high (ground floor, remember?), so I'm not tall enough to get the screens of on my own, so I cleaned one half of it, inside and out. And, well, wow! I was more afraid that I'd try climbing out the window than that Persephone would!

The sky's been so blue and the clouds so perfectly white and puffy and just waiting to be identified as bears or icecream cones or whatever form their water/dust molecules had taken en masse. Even worse, it's warm enough to sit out to look at them without losing fingers to frostbite or having to curl up your shoulders against the chill forming between them. I can't get enough of seeing the trees, too. I don't even have a flowering tree outside my window, can you imagine the damage to my productivity if I did?

Yesterday I took this picture and had a little fun with it in PhotoShop. I think it captures my mood - unrealistically excited about Spring!

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